
HR Automation: What Is It and Why Should You Consider It for Your Business?

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Your company’s human resources department consists of a set of people that help manage your employees and applicants. HR specialists are mostly involved with the recruitment, screening, interview, and placement of workers. They also take care of employee relations, payroll, benefits, and training.

The role HR professionals play in a company is very essential. Without them, a business may not be able to effectively hire and manage qualified employees.

However, the majority of human resources workflow processes are still highly manual until today. Continuing manually taking care of various HR tasks can eventually cost your company both time and money.

To address this issue, it is best if you start automating your human resources processes. Doing so will help you enjoy significant cost and time savings across a variety of HR functions.

What is HR Process Automation?

This refers to the practice of improving an HR department’s efficiency. It is done through the use of highly developed programs designed to assist HR professionals in different tasks.

human resources automated software

Types of HR Automation Software

The automation of human resource processes is not a one-size-fits-all. There are different types of programs you can use based on the needs of your HR department. Each focuses on at least one of the tasks an HR specialist needs to do.


This type of software allows your HR staff to manage and track employee benefits, including the following:

  • Health insurance
  • Paid time off
  • Retirement plan
  • Compliance

Benefits-focused software also allows your HR professionals to track your employees’ compensation, such as pay, bonuses, incentives, commissions, and salary. Aside from that, this type of program can also help your team manage the process of paying your employees as well as direct deposits, checks, and tax compliance.


One of the most important tasks your HR department does is recruiting talents. To help them with this process, they can use an applicant tracking program, which can assist them in sourcing applicants and tracking candidates throughout the hiring process.

Another software that falls under recruiting-focused programs is the candidate interview scheduling software. This allows your HR specialists to eliminate back-and-forth emails and time-consuming phone calls when setting up interviews with applicants. Using this software will also help you ensure that all your candidates and hiring managers are on track for interview times.


This type of software helps your HR team in tracking, measuring, and awarding your employees’ performance. A performance-focused program is especially useful during employee review seasons.

So, what does this type of software exactly do? This program places all your employee reviews in one place, making the evaluation process much quicker and easier. Additionally, it automates and formalizes methods used for acknowledging high-performing employees. This is possible through various features, such as leaderboards, rewards points, goal tracking, and prizes.


You can use training-focused programs to design and deliver educational materials for your employees in order to develop an effective, knowledgeable, and engaged workforce. This type of software allows your employees to enroll in and take classes. It also provides you with access to track their progress, award certifications, and more.

In addition to providing classes for your employees, you can use a training-focused program to onboard new hires. You can design a class that will help train the new members of your company and introduce them to your business’s culture and brand.


This type of software allows your HR staff to effectively handle the minor details and maintenance of everyday tasks, such as managing employees. Through a workforce-focused program, your HR specialists will easily be able to accomplish the following:

  • Manage paid time off
  • Oversee vacation and sick leaves
  • Track, assign, and adjust employee shifts
  • Manage invoice
  • Handle time-tracking for projects
  • Manage expense tracking

Your HR team can do all this in one location, allowing them to efficiently do their tasks and not waste time switching through various programs or rustling through various papers. This will boost their productivity and help them accomplish more tasks in a day.

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Benefits of HR Process Automation

By using the right tool, your HR automation efforts will provide you with various benefits, including the following:


The primary reason for errors that occur in HR processes is manual intervention and the complexity of the job at hand. Once you utilize HR automation tools for your company, your workflow will be completely optimized and reduced in complexity. Accomplishing this will help eliminate the dependence on the operator, thus decreasing the number of manual errors.

Additionally, automating your human resource processes will allow you to gain access to more data points with greater accuracy. These will help your staff obtain more insights into your applicants and make better hiring decisions.


HR automation is useful in performing repetitive manual tasks with exceptional precision and speed. Through this technology, your HR team will be able to finish tedious tasks much faster and more accurately, reducing the time for quality checking and error corrections.


The HR automation technology allows your staff to continue their work while using less paper and fewer forms and files. Since most of their tasks will be done digitally, they would not need to print various documents and take up storage space. This will help you get rid of the costs associated with these practices. Automation also helps your team avoid data entry errors and lost documents, which can be costly to your business.

Additionally, you will be able to create insightful reports through automation tools. This will allow you to analyze HR data more closely and make intelligent financial decisions.

Data Security

One of the greatest benefits that automation tools offer is data security. Using an HR automation software will protect you from data loss if a fire or computer failure occurs at your office. This is possible because this technology backs up your company’s important data in cloud computing services.

Increased Productivity

If your HR staff is always busy with tedious manual tasks, they would not have enough time to take care of their more complex work, such as decision-making and strategizing. Thankfully, by automating the time-consuming tasks, you can free up the time of your HR staff and allow them to focus on areas that will offer more benefits to your employees and the company.

Embrace the Change

It is time for the HR industry to make the necessary changes and take part in the technological advancements happening in other fields. That is why you should start implementing vital modifications in your company to enjoy the various benefits of HR process automation. Contact us to learn more.

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